Wildlife Jewels® World Migratory Bird Day “Explore & Learn from Birds” Walk at the beautiful Upper Newport Bay!
Happy International Raccoon Appreciation Day!

Happy International Raccoon Appreciation Day!

Today, we’re thrilled to introduce Rita the Raccoon! Recently, we had the pleasure of meeting Rita at Project Wildlife Ramona Wildlife Center, where she lives full-time as a wildlife ambassador. Rita is a sweet girl who loves to play in her pool, climb, and spend time in her hammock!

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Plant for Hummingbirds: A Recap from the Wildlife Jewels’ National Hummingbird Day Planting Event in Newport Beach!

Plant for Hummingbirds: A Recap from the Wildlife Jewels’ National Hummingbird Day Planting Event in Newport Beach!

Inspiring Day! We planted flowers for hummingbirds, learned about the native plants they love, explored fascinating facts about hummingbirds, innovations inspired by them, the major threats they face, and how to protect them. We also had the chance to witness a precious fledgling hummingbird in care, admired hummingbird-inspired fine art, and enjoyed delicious cupcakes!

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Happy National Hummingbird Day!

Happy National Hummingbird Day!

Happy National Hummingbird Day! We’re excited to celebrate the fascinating world of hummingbirds tomorrow at our Plant for Hummingbirds event at Newport Beach Civic Center Park!

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