World Rhino Day 2024 Webinar: Creating Hope for Rhinos: Uniting to Save Rhinos from Extinction

You are invited to join Wildlife Jewels for our 2nd annual World Rhino Day Webinar on Wednesday, September 18th, 2024, at 10:00 AM PDT. Join us as we explore the magnificent world of rhinos, address the devastating impact of poaching, and share innovative initiatives for rhino protection. We’ll highlight the crucial role of cross-sector partnerships, community programs, collaborative anti-poaching efforts, and the use of AI and technology in combating poaching and rhino horn trafficking to protect our precious rhinos.

Date: 2 March 2024

Meet Miracle Poaching Survivor Thandi and Her Calf Thembi!

Thandi, a magnificent rhino who survived a brutal poaching attack in 2012, and her precious first calf, Thembi, are symbols of hope and resilience. Born in January 2015, just three years after Thandi’s terrifying poaching attack, Thembi’s name means "hope." While usually poached rhinos are left to suffer and die alone, Thandi and Thembi's story offers a beacon of light.

Join us on Wednesday for our World Rhino Day 2024 Webinar Titled: Creating Hope for Rhinos: Uniting to Save Rhinos from Extinction.

Discover the inspiring journey of Thandi and the dedication behind her incredible recovery. Gain insight into the rhino poaching crisis, ask questions of experts, and discover ways YOU can contribute to saving rhinos from extinction.

Every rhino is unique and invaluable, and every life matters. Let’s unite to ensure their safety and protect our precious rhinos!

Time: 11AM PST


Plant for Hummingbirds: A Recap from the Wildlife Jewels’ National Hummingbird Day Planting Event in Newport Beach!