World Migratory Bird Day & Wildlife Jewels Yellow Gasper the Western Meadowlark
Happy World Migratory Bird Day! This year's theme highlights the critical role of insect conservation in supporting migratory birds.
Meet Wildlife Jewels Yellow Gasper, the Western Meadowlark, a beautiful bird we encountered at Ramona Grasslands. Insects make up the majority of his diet, including beetles, grasshoppers, crickets, caterpillars, ants, and spiders.
Learn more about World Migratory Bird Day:
Learn more about the prcious Western Meadowlark at Audubon:
On this World Migratory Bird Day, we're excited to introduce you to Yellow Gasper the Western Meadowlark and Carnelian the Ant!
Yellow Gasper is a charming Western Meadowlark we encountered at the Ramona grasslands in March, he primarily feeds on insects, including beetles, grasshoppers, crickets, and ants!
Meanwhile, Carnelian the Ant is our original depiction of an extraordinary Asian weaver ant, showcasing its remarkable ability to carry a stick weighing 100 times its body weight.
As part of our Educational Arts Programs, we’ll be holding workshops and presentations soon sharing more about this magnificent Western Meadowlark and our Carnelian the Ant. Stay tuned!