California Brown Pelican Crisis: Help Us Find Distressed Pelicans
California Brown Pelican Crisis
Since the beginning of April, hundreds of starving, emaciated, and deceased California Brown Pelicans have been found along the California coast. This is a devastating and deeply saddening crisis. These precious pelicans urgently need help as they are starving, emaciated, and dehydrated. If spotted and rescued in time, they have a great chance of survival with proper treatment.
Many pelicans are also found severely entangled in fishing gear. If you see a stranded pelican, please monitor it and ensure it is not harmed until a rescuer arrives.
In the video below, filmed on May 2nd during our search for distressed Pelicans, we found at least 15 pelicans stranded on the beach, with one sadly entangled in fishing gear. We called all rescue options for help, but unfortunately, it was after hours. We returned the next morning to search for the stranded pelicans. While we couldn't find the pelican entangled in the fishing gear, we did spot another precious pelican and guarded him until he was safely transported for care.
Every single Pelican is precious and every single Pelican counts. Please join us in this critical mission to save our precious Pelicans.
How You Can Help:
We are seeking volunteers to join us and help us find distressed Pelicans. We also are seeking volunteers to monitor human activities that may harm the Pelicans. The Pelicans are starving going around fishing harbors looking for fish, they are weak and unable to defend themselves if approached. Please join us to help save Pelicans. Whether you have experience in wildlife rescue or simply a passion for protecting our natural habitats, your assistance is invaluable. You’ll simply be walking along the beach while reporting any signs of distressed Pelicans.
To help us locate and report distressed Pelicans, please submit the form below, and we will provide you with further information and detailed instructions.
Video: Stranded starving Pelicans at Corona del Mar State Beach.
A precious California Brown Pelican we guarded until he was safely transported to care at Corona del Mar State Beach, 3 March 2024.
The Pelican Stranding Crisis:
Since Tuesday, April 23rd, a large number of California Brown Pelicans have been found in a state of emaciation and dehydration, with multiple reports of deceased pelicans discovered along the California coast. A similar situation occurred in May 2022, lasting for months and affecting hundreds of pelicans across the California coast, including San Diego. Locating these pelicans as swiftly as possible is imperative for their survival.
Signs of distress can include falling over, seizing and losing balance. If members of the public spot a pelican in distress, call the local helplines at:
Santa Barbara (805) 681-1080 (Santa Barbara Wildlife Network)
Orange County (714) 374 - 5587 Wetlands & Wildlife Center or Orange County Animal Control 714-935-6848
Orange County Animal Control after hours (949)644-3717
Los Angeles (310) 514- 2573
San Diego (800) 541- 7325
Call to Action:
In the face of this crisis, time is of the essence. Every second counts when it comes to locating and aiding a distressed Pelican and preventing further harm.
As part of our Wildlife Jewels Rescue Collective Group, we are issuing an urgent call for volunteers to join our efforts in monitoring the beaches and help us locate and report affected Pelicans. These Pelicans are showing signs of starvation and unusual behaviors, such as appearing in unusual locations and going near beachgoers for food. We need volunteers to stay near the stranded Pelicans to protect them from potential disturbances until help arrives.
Your involvement could make a lifesaving difference in the recovery of these majestic Pelicans.
Join us and together let’s work to ensure safety of our precious wildlife!
Sea lions and seabirds along the coast are suffering from domoic acid poisoning. If treated early, survival is possible. However, without timely care, domoic acid poisoning can lead to irreversible brain damage and death.